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We are not talking about miracle “fat-burning” drugs when we refer to foods that help us lose fat. Instead, we mean foods that have properties that help us get rid of those stubborn love handles.

Hypocaloric means “low in calories” and is a good way to lose weight. It means you should consume less calories than you burn each day to reduce your energy balance, which will cause you to start burning more calories. This is the only way you can lose weight.

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Fat is your body’s way to store energy. Adipocytes are cells that store fat. The accumulation of this tissue is called adipocytes. The risk of developing health problems is increased if excess fat is stored.

There are three kinds of fat, and each type has different effects on your health:

  • Subcutaneous fat. These are the “love handles”. This is the fat under the skin that you lose most easily when you exercise.
  • Visceral fat. Visceral fat is more easily absorbed than subcutaneous fat. This fat is found around the organs and can pose a risk to your health if it is too much.
  • Intramuscular fat. Because it is less common than the other fats, intramuscular fat is often not mentioned. This fat is most common in obese individuals.

We were saying that to lose fat, it is important to eat a low-calorie diet and exercise to help the body “get rid of” stored fat cells (adipocytes).

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We can improve our chances of success by including certain foods in our diet that can help us to lose weight, feel fuller longer, and speed up our metabolism.


The body can use the calcium it provides to better metabolize fat and decrease the formation of new cholesterol.


It may not appear so, but including chocolate in the list of fat-burning foods should not be taken as a joke or a mistake. The body burns belly fat with chocolate. To reap these benefits, chocolate must contain at least 85% cocoa.


A University of Barcelona study found that eating 30g of walnuts per day for 12 weeks can reduce abdominal fat.

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Cinnamaldehyde is responsible for the aroma. It has the ability promote the elimination and reduction of abdominal fat. It lowers blood sugar and insulin production.


Lentils have many health benefits, so lentils should be consumed at least once per week. Lentils are rich in iron, which aids in fat burning. They also contain vitamin B12 which is necessary to convert fat into energy. Vitamin B3 helps you burn fat.

Green Tea

The plant is rich in an antioxidant polyphenol called epigallocatechin galate. This compound combats white fat, which is the type of fat that accumulates in the abdomen.

Hot Peppers

Capsaicin is the ingredient that makes it a fat-burner food. It raises your body’s temperature and burns fat reserves.

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